martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

My Academic Introduction

My name is Simón Recabarren, I'm 18 years old, I am studying Pschology at Universidad of Chile, this is my second semester, so I am not so sure of what to do about an specialization in the field. But, there are some things I am interested in learning. For example, there is a subject I really like, it is Epistemology, wich is about find out the basement of the knowledge, and being sceptic about everything you know, and I like when you have to question the information you receive; maybe in the future I would do something related to that. In general, about the Psychology major, I think it is like a mixture between Philosophy and knowledge of the human mind and its behaviour. Actaully, that is one of the reasons why I decided to study Psychology. Another reasons why I decide to tsudy this, it is because When I was at school I heard a lot of people talking about their experiencies whit a psychologist; they said that they hated it, or they didn't feel comfotable to talk, basically a bad experience, and I think I could help in that, making someone to feel more comfortable to talk and giving to the pacient a better enviroment. That, if I dedicate to clinical Psychology, but that is not my only option, I am thinking about educational Psychology too, and it is a little bit different from the other one. I am not very sure what to choose, but I have four years to find it out.
If I have to talk about programms, researchings or anything else, I have not thought about it, it is not so clear to me what to do, so at the moment I am just going to study and read to learn and knowing more than I know about Psychology.
I can say that as a first year Psychology student at University of Chile, I can not made up my mind yet, about my future as a real psycholigist, but I have some ideas, but nothing very clear, but I am going to find that out in the process.